Castle Hill Public School was established in 1879 and was relocated to its current site in 1998. It has 26 permanent classrooms, 12 demountable classrooms, 2 computer labs, a school hall and canteen and a large, well-resourced library. The school is designed to meet the needs of all students including those with physical disability. The school's facilities include exceptional resources in technology.
Castle Hill Public School is proving to be ever-popular. Over the course of 2017, we grew to over 900 students who are placed in 37 classes. This growth trend looks set to continue over the coming years with the development of the North-West Rail Link combined with high density building developments in the area.
Students participate in a wide range of activities and programs made available to them through the wonderful efforts of staff and a highly supportive school community. These activities are both within and outside of regular school hours covering academic, sporting and cultural pursuits.
The Student Representative Council [SRC] meet fortnightly to discuss the student perspective of life at school, it also runs activities to support our chosen charity - Stewart House.
Parents play a crucial role in the success of the school. The Parents and Citizens [P&C] Association have a range of working parties focused on spending the funds raised through the collection of the annual voluntary contribution.
School song
From the hills and dales around us, from the outer districts too,
We gather here to work and play with a will our best to do;
It's a good school with a proud name and we're glad to play our part,
To make our school a place of joy so we sing with all our heart.
We're the boys and girls from old Castle Hill, the school that will lead them all,
When it comes to a test we will do our best to answer every call,
We will always be strong, choose right, not wrong, be loyal to our country and crown
Both now and in all times before us when the Southern Cross shines down.