Castle Hill Public School

Providing excellence in education since 1879

Telephone02 9634 3777

School Book Fair

book fair

We are holding a School Book Fair in Term 1, Weeks 9-10 (24 March to 4 April) where students can browse and buy books, during school hours.

See: Book Fair Items & Price List.

There will be some opportunities for “EFTPOS pay and pick up” of books before and after school. More details to come.

Parent helpers needed

The Book Fair is in need of parent helpers to assist the stall between 9:00-11:00am (1 hour slots) when we have K-2 classes. Parent helpers assist by: writing book wish lists for K-2, handling and verifying payments, and preparing books for pick up. This ensures classes can maximise their timetabled Book Fair sessions.

A parent volunteer sign up link sheet is here: