23 Jan 2022

Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! I hope you have enjoyed the Christmas break and that you and your family are well.
As you would be aware, the Term 1 guidelines were released yesterday and I will share these with you later this week. Principals have a webinar today where we will receive further information regarding the return to school this year.
As part of the NSW Government’s focus on prioritising face-to-face learning, free rapid antigen tests (RATs) will be supplied to students and staff. Please note that RATs are recommended (not mandatory) for students and staff - to be used as a screening tool twice a week for the first few weeks of Term 1 with the possibility of extension.
Parents can collect their allocation of RATs (four tests per child) on one of the following dates from the school office window (next to the front gate):
- Thursday 27 January between 9.30am and 3.00pm
- Friday 28 January between 9.30am and 3.00pm
- Monday 31 January between 9.30am and 3.00pm
Parents of Kindergarten 2022 students who do not have any elder siblings are invited to collect their child's allocation of RATs at their scheduled Best Start Assessment.
This allocation is intended to allow screening for the first two weeks of school. Further RAT allocations will be distributed in due course.
Please note that we have sufficient supplies for every child enrolled in the school and that there is no need to queue early on Thursday morning for fear of missing out.
We will be recording the names of families who have received their allocation to ensure that everyone receives their fair share.
I will send more information to you regarding the Term 1 guidelines later this week.
Craig Oliver